Catching Up after the summer break

Hi everyone! 

It's been a while since the last Recitallion update, so it's time to do just a little bit of catch-up! 

First of all we want to thank everyone who came by the the Gotland Game Conference and played our game! It was so great seeing everyone enjoying Recitallion and we got so much good feedback that'll take us one step further towards the best game we can make! 

As for why we haven't updated the game in a while, our programmer had to focus on rebuilding it from the ground up. Since the game was originally built for a game jam the base of the code wasn't really good for scaling up to include all the features we wanted. Speaking of new features, some of you may have experienced the second game mode we had on the GGC showfloor, but we have some much more exciting stuff coming soon and I can't wait for you all to get your hands on it. 

Can't reveal much yet, as we're still testing things, but as you can see from the Work in progress screenshot, it's pretty exciting stuff... 

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